

Three smiling students

Enrollment and Specialized Testing


For Rose State College students wanting to take CLEPs that count for credit at Rose State College, please view the Prior Learning Credit brochure.

View the Rose State College Catalog (PDF), page 40 for RSC approved humanities courses and pages 41-43 for RSC approved liberal arts/general education courses. Please call (405) 733-7320 to schedule an exam.

  • CLEP General and Subject examinations are available as computer-based tests at Rose State College.
  • Use your service smarts to earn college credit. The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) offers you the opportunity to earn college credits by passing any of 33 exams. Credit earned from CLEP exams will appear on your transcript only after completing 12 credit hours of study at Rose State College.
  • You will need to bring photo identification with you be able to test.  Military and DANTES funded test takers must bring their military ID card along with their photo ID.
  • Please call for an appointment. Rose State College does CLEP testing Monday through Thursday at 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
  • Learn who is eligible for DANTES-Funded CLEP Exams (PDF).

For more information about costs, please visit this website.

Military services members and some spouses and civilian employees will have the total amount for CLEP and DSST exams paid by DANTES (Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support).

among the top 25 military test centers that administered CLEP exams